Demolition Dumpster Rental – Test


14 yard dumpster used for demolition debris such as wood, sheetrock, plastic, shingles, and other debris associated with residential or commercial construction (no household waste).

Dumpster Placement Instructions

Please describe where you would like the dumpster placed on your property. Ex: Close to street, left side of driveway, in front of third garage door, etc. as viewed from the street.

Early Delivery

Please select whether earlier delivery (generally 1-2 days) is acceptable if a dumpster is available sooner than expected. There is no extra fee if we deliver early and the end date selected will not change.



Dumpster rental for 14 yard dumpsters used for construction and demolition debris. Rental includes 1 week on-site (Ex: Monday to Monday), and disposal up to 2 tons.

  • Additional tonnage (determined by scaling when we empty the dumpster at the dump site) will be post-billed or charged to the credit card on file, and is $25 per quarter ton plus applicable taxes.
  • Additional weeks can be purchased for $20/week by adding the additional weeks item below to your cart, and adjusting the quantity for the number of additional weeks you want to purchase.

Demolition dumpsters may only be used for construction and demolition debris (anything used to build a house, or debris from remodeling, for example). If you wish to place any household waste, furniture, clothing, etc, please see the other items below, and order the applicable waste dumpster. 10 yard dumpsters are also available below.

Taxes of $2.00 per ton are added to your total when ordering. If household waste is found to have been put in the dumpster, the entire load will be disposed of as municipal solid waste and taxed accordingly (waste taxes are substantially higher than demolition taxes). For a complete listing of acceptable/unacceptable items in our demolition dumpsters, please see our dumpster information page here.


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